For many children in foster care, siblings are often the one constant in their lives. A brother or sister may be the only person who understands their experiences and can help them adjust to their new family and community. When the siblings living together in the Davis home were on the verge of being separated, their amazing resource parents, Jonathan and Stephanie, stepped up to make sure they could all stay together.
The Davis family became approved as resource parents through Koinonia and initially accepted the placement of a sibling group. Within months, an additional sibling group was placed in their home. The county attempted to challenge the placement in court and wanted the Davis family to pick one sibling group over the other. Jonathan and Stephanie Davis went to the court hearing and testified, stating they love all their children and would never pick one over the other. They wanted their children to know they loved them unconditionally and would do everything possible to keep their family together. After reading the case and hearing the Davis’s testimony, the judge knew she needed to keep this family together and ordered in favor of keeping the sibling groups intact in the Davis home.

After the court hearing, the Davis family went on to adopt the sibling groups that had been placed with them, making them a family of ten!
Keeping siblings together can prevent a lifetime of longing and searching for lost brothers or sisters. Research suggests that siblings placed together experience more successful placements, fewer moves, and increased emotional stability. Koinonia is so grateful for the Davis family and others like them who are willing to open their hearts to more than one foster youth, making it possible to keep siblings together. Click here to learn more about sibling sets and family preservation.