by admin | Oct 12, 2021 | Foster Care, Resources
The holiday season is typically a time we look forward to, associated with positive memories, fun traditions, spending time with family, and spreading good cheer. However, for foster children who have been removed from their families due to abuse or neglect, the...
by admin | Sep 9, 2021 | Culture, Foster Care, Story
Yesterday, I met an old soul living in the body of a ten-year-old boy. We were working on an in-home assessment together, and I got to the question, “What is the best thing about this family so far?” Without prompting or prodding, he tells me: Food. They...
by admin | Aug 24, 2021 | Adoption, Foster Care, Story
It was 2017 when I first met Hannah and her younger siblings, Aiden and Isabella. As the eldest, 11-year-old Hannah had taken on the role of leader and protector. Aiden (6) and Bella (3) were timid and shy, watching Hannah’s every move to see how they should proceed....
by admin | Jul 20, 2021 | Foster Care, Special Needs
If you have looked into fostering at all, you have may have heard the term ISFC, or “intensive services foster care.” So, what exactly does that mean? Intensive services foster care is a level of care. Foster youth who are considered ISFC have a higher level of need...
by admin | Jun 22, 2021 | Adoption, Culture, Foster Care
In our society, there can be misconceptions about why children end up in foster care, and therefore a hesitancy towards reunification. While there are certainly cases of abuse and severe neglect, there is usually a more complex reason a child enters the foster care...