Koinonia News

News About Fostering & Adopting
Just Like Me

Just Like Me

Several years ago, Ryan was adopted into a loving family, where he not only gained a mom and dad, but also a few siblings. Ryan has difficulty self-regulating and his parents are in the midst of having him assessed for Autism Spectrum Disorder. For months, Ryan had...

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Are You Qualified To Be A Foster Parent?

Are You Qualified To Be A Foster Parent?

There are many misconceptions about who is qualified to be a foster parent. Often people assume that simply because they are single, under the age of 25, or don’t own a home, they won’t be considered. This could not be further from the truth. At Koinonia, we are...

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10 Ideas for Mother’s Day in Quarantine

10 Ideas for Mother’s Day in Quarantine

This is your official reminder that MOTHER’S DAY IS ON SUNDAY MAY 10TH. We know the days are running together lately, but this might be the most important week to pay attention to what day it is! Moms have been kicking their superpowers into overdrive for the past...

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