Koinonia News
News About Fostering & Adopting‘Unadopted’ Documentary Follows Journey of Foster Youth Seeking Forever Family
Unadopted is a documentary centered around Noel, a youth who entered the California foster care system at the age of one. Separated from his siblings most of his life and lacking a complete understanding of what happened to his family, Noel begins the journey of...
Honoring Hispanic Heritage Within the Context of Foster Care
National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed September 15th - October 15th. Honoring Hispanic heritage is so important, especially in California where 48% of children are considered to be of Latin or Hispanic descent. It can be challenging to sort out your identity as...
Just Like Me
Several years ago, Ryan was adopted into a loving family, where he not only gained a mom and dad, but also a few siblings. Ryan has difficulty self-regulating and his parents are in the midst of having him assessed for Autism Spectrum Disorder. For months, Ryan had...
Simple Ways to Connect During Distance Learning
August 18, 2020 As the new school year starts, we are sticking to our roots here at Koinonia Family Services. The word koinonia is Greek for relationship, community, or fellowship. Relationship and connection are always at the core of what we do, and we place...
Reclaiming Self-Care in a Season of Uncertainty
August 5, 2020 The overarching theme of 2020 seems to be pattern disruption, which has both benefits and challenges. While the pause of quarantine may have presented a unique opportunity to reflect on changes we want to make in our lives, there were also some major...
Alternative Schooling In a Pandemic: Resources for Your Family
Due to the sheer uncertainty involved with public school education during the current pandemic, more parents are opting to homeschool, or find alternative schooling options for their families. The fall of 2020 is bound to be a semester full of trial-and-error,...
Summer Activities for Sensory Processing & Building Attachment
Time at home this summer is the perfect formula for family connection and getting creative with your kids. Quality time spent with your children helps build attachment, and with a little intentionality we can turn simple activities into exercises for sensory...
Interview With a Koinonia Resource Parent
Resource parents (also known as foster/adoptive parents) are the amazing individuals who partner with agencies like Koinonia to provide care for youth in need of a home. One of our resource dads, Ryan Stockton, sat down with us and was gracious enough to answer a few...
Are You Qualified To Be A Foster Parent?
There are many misconceptions about who is qualified to be a foster parent. Often people assume that simply because they are single, under the age of 25, or don’t own a home, they won’t be considered. This could not be further from the truth. At Koinonia, we are...
10 Ideas for Mother’s Day in Quarantine
This is your official reminder that MOTHER’S DAY IS ON SUNDAY MAY 10TH. We know the days are running together lately, but this might be the most important week to pay attention to what day it is! Moms have been kicking their superpowers into overdrive for the past...